Guidelines for contributors

Academic Journal Online

Studia Antiquitatis et Medii Aevi Incohantis

Timetable for submitting your contribution

Please submit your texts to volume nine (2024) until 31 August 2024.

Submitting papers

Authors should submit their papers in two copies (formatted  .doc and .rtf) on line to:

Publication ethic

SAMAI follows Code of Conduct and the Best Practice Guidelines (COPE). SAMAI considers plagiarism, falsifying data and submitting for publication a paper previously published as a breach of ethic standards. If any of the above is identified in a submitted paper, the editors of SAMAI will ask the author for explanation and then follow COPE guidelines in their next steps.

General guidelines

SAMAI accepts:

  • papers no longer than 20 standard pages,
  • book reviews no longer than 4 standard pages,
  • announcements of forthcoming conferences. 

A standard page is 300 words (in English) or 1800 signs with spaces (in Polish).

Every paper should be accompanied by an abstract in English, up to 50 words.

The preferred languages are English and Polish.

Submitted paper

Times New Roman 12 fonts, with spacing 1.5 and adjusting should be used in the main body of a paper.

Title should be in small caps, titles of cited works in italics (e.g. PHOTIUS ON THE HISTORIES OF HERODOTUS), titles of sections within a paper in italics.

All personal names and toponyms should be spelled in the original form of the ancient or medieval source or in transliteration, except for those generally accepted in English-language publications (e.g. Ovid – not Ovidius; Philip II – not Philippos II). If the source is written in scripture other than Latin fonts, please transliterate. Roman names known from Greek sources should be spelled either in their transliterated Greek form (e.g. Ioulios) or in the corresponding Latin form (e.g. Iulius), consistently through the paper. Greek and Roman names known from sources in languages other than Greek or Latin should be spelled in their Greek or Latin form, but accompanied by the transliterated original form in paranthesis when mentioned for the first time in the paper, e.g. Alexander (A-lek-sa-an-dar-ri-is).

Quotations from ancient and medieval sources in languages other than Latin should be entered using True type fonts. All source quotations should be accompanied by an English translation. Very short quotations should be in italics, longer in double quotation marks. Quotations within quotations should be put in single quotation marks. Conventional phrases (e.g. Zeitgeist, avant-garde) should be in italics.

Archiving Policy

All texts published in SAMAI (articles, reviews and other) are archived in Biblioteka Narodowa (The National Library) and (from 2019) in Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego (Repository of the University of Wroclaw).

Anti Plagiarism

SAMAI makes every effort to protect its authors from mistrust. Therefore, all texts are checked through a plagiarism checker (texts in SAMAI issues 2019 through 2022 were checked with


SAMAI prefers footnotes over endnotes.

The names of ancient authors should be given in full form in the main text, in footnotes in abbreviated form following the lists of authors and works in the Liddel, Scott, Jones, Greek-English Lexicon (9th edition) for Greek authors and the Oxford Latin Dictionary for Latin authors. The names of ancient authors not listed by these dictionaries and of medieval authors should be given in full form in the footnote which names them for the first time, then consistently in abbreviated form.

The title of an ancient/medieval work should be italicised, books in Roman numerals, chapters and sections in Arabic numerals. If only one work of an ancient author is known, do not list in a footnote but do list the title of a single work of a medieval author when you refer to it for the first time. No coma between Roman and Arabic numerals.

1 Plu. Alex. 5.7.
2 Hom. Il. XXIV 221.
3 Caes. Gal. VI 11-18.
4 Hydatius Lemicus, Continuatio Chronicorum Hieronymianorum ad ann. CCCCLXVII, ed. Theodorus Mommsen, MGH, Auctores Antiquissimi, XI, Pars II, Berlin 1894, 49 et 60.
5 Hydatius 55.
6 Juv. XIV 41.

In the case of modern authors and their works the Harvard style (author’s name, date of publication and page and/or illustration numbers, always as 7-11, not 7ff) should be applied. While referring to two publication of the same author published in the same year, use a letter after date of publication (1970a). Do not use abbeviations op.cit., ibidem. Apply only abbreviations commonly used in classical scholarship, e.g. RE, CIL, IGSEGMGHOCD3LSJFGrH.

7 Price 1984, 79-82.
8 Badian 1958a, 427.
LSJ, s. v. ̕Ασία.


All modern works perused in the paper should be listed in alphabetical order of author, and within this in chronological order of publication, at the end of the paper. This bibliography should be preceded by a list of less common abbreviations:

FdD: Fouilles des Delphes, Paris 1909- .
RICIS: Recueil des inscriptions concernant les cultes isiaques, Paris 2005.

Books should be listed as:

Bosworth A.B., 1988: Conquest and Empire: The Reign of Alexander the Great, Cambridge.

Chapters in edited volumes should be listed as:

Robertson N., 1996: ‘The Ancient Mother of the Gods: A missing Chapter in the History of Greek Religion’, [in:] E. N. Lane (ed.), Cybele, Attis and Related Cults: Essays in Memory of M.J. Vermaseren, Leiden, 239-304.


Lane E.N. (ed.), 1996: Cybele, Attis and related Cults: Essays in Memory of M.J. Vermaseren, Leiden.
Robertson N., 1996: ‘The Ancient Mother of the Gods: A missing Chapter in the History of Greek Religion’, [in:] Lane 1996, 239-304.

Titles of journal articles should be in quotation marks, titles of journal should be abbreviated in accordance with L’Année Philologique and Lexikon des Mittelalters. If an abbreviation is not listed there, the title should be given in full form. Title of journals should be italicised, volume numbers in Arabic numerals. 

Müller H., 2000: „Der hellenistische Archiereus”, Chiron 30, 519-542.


It is the responsibility of every author to secure appropriate permissions to publish illustrations.

Please email to the editors illustrations as separate files in .bmp or .jpg  format, in resolution bigger than 300 dpi.

Captions should be emailed as separate files and should contain copyright information.


All papers submitted to SAMAI are subject to reviews (double blind). SAMAI accepts papers for publication upon the positive opinion of the reviewers.


SAMAI does not charge any fee to authors submitting their texts for publication.

Copyright and permissions

With submission of his/her paper every author declares that he/she is the sole owner of copyright of the paper to be published.
A paper is accepted for publication upon granting by the author to SAMAI exclusive right to publish this paper. The paper may not be published in any other journal, book or website.

Once a paper is accepted by SAMAI for publication the copyright for it is automatically transferred to the editors of SAMAI in accordance with the “Statement of delivering the work free of charge and transfer of the proprietary copyright to this work” (Author’s Statement). The proprietary copyright is transferred to the editors of SAMAI free of charge and covers all known fields of recording, reproduction and distribution. The author grants the editors of SAMAI the exclusive license to exercise derivative copyright, including the right to adapt the work for usage in a multimedia version.

An author may use their texts for publication elsewhere on the condition of attesting that SAMAI was the original publisher of this paper and upon notifying the Editors of SAMAI prior to publication.

SAMAI will make every effort to assure the widest possible distribution of papers contained in this journal.

samai-czasopismo-on-lineTimetable for submitting your contribution

Please submit your texts to volume nine (2024) until 31 August 2024.


samai-czasopismo-on-lineSubmitting papers

Authors should submit their papers in two copies (formatted  .doc and .rtf) on line to:


samai-czasopismo-on-linePublication ethic

SAMAI follows Code of Conduct and the Best Practice Guidelines (COPE). SAMAI considers plagiarism, falsifying data and submitting for publication a paper previously published as a breach of ethic standards. If any of the above is identified in a submitted paper, the editors of SAMAI will ask the author for explanation and then follow COPE guidelines in their next steps.


samai-czasopismo-on-lineGeneral guidelines

SAMAI accepts:

  • papers no longer than 20 standard pages,

  • book reviews no longer than 4 standard pages,

  • announcements of forthcoming conferences. 

A standard page is 300 words (in English) or 1800 signs with spaces (in Polish).

Every paper should be accompanied by an abstract in English, up to 50 words.

The preferred languages are English and Polish.


samai-czasopismo-on-lineSubmitted paper

Times New Roman 12 fonts, with spacing 1.5 and adjusting should be used in the main body of a paper.

Title should be in small caps, titles of cited works in italics (e.g. PHOTIUS ON THE HISTORIES OF HERODOTUS), titles of sections within a paper in italics.

All personal names and toponyms should be spelled in the original form of the ancient or medieval source or in transliteration, except for those generally accepted in English-language publications (e.g. Ovid – not Ovidius; Philip II – not Philippos II). If the source is written in scripture other than Latin fonts, please transliterate. Roman names known from Greek sources should be spelled either in their transliterated Greek form (e.g. Ioulios) or in the corresponding Latin form (e.g. Iulius), consistently through the paper. Greek and Roman names known from sources in languages other than Greek or Latin should be spelled in their Greek or Latin form, but accompanied by the transliterated original form in paranthesis when mentioned for the first time in the paper, e.g. Alexander (A-lek-sa-an-dar-ri-is).

Quotations from ancient and medieval sources in languages other than Latin should be entered using True type fonts. All source quotations should be accompanied by an English translation. Very short quotations should be in italics, longer in double quotation marks. Quotations within quotations should be put in single quotation marks. Conventional phrases (e.g. Zeitgeist, avant-garde) should be in italics.

samai-czasopismo-on-lineArchiving Policy

All texts published in SAMAI (articles, reviews and other) are archived in Biblioteka Narodowa (The National Library) and (from 2019) in Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego (Repository of the University of Wroclaw).


samai-czasopismo-on-lineAnti Plagiarism

SAMAI makes every effort to protect its authors from mistrust. Therefore, all texts are checked through a plagiarism checker (texts in SAMAI issues 2019 through 2022 were checked with



SAMAI prefers footnotes over endnotes.

The names of ancient authors should be given in full form in the main text, in footnotes in abbreviated form following the lists of authors and works in the Liddel, Scott, Jones, Greek-English Lexicon (9th edition) for Greek authors and the Oxford Latin Dictionary for Latin authors. The names of ancient authors not listed by these dictionaries and of medieval authors should be given in full form in the footnote which names them for the first time, then consistently in abbreviated form.

The title of an ancient/medieval work should be italicised, books in Roman numerals, chapters and sections in Arabic numerals. If only one work of an ancient author is known, do not list in a footnote but do list the title of a single work of a medieval author when you refer to it for the first time. No coma between Roman and Arabic numerals.

1 Plu. Alex. 5.7.
2 Hom. Il. XXIV 221.
3 Caes. Gal. VI 11-18.
4 Hydatius Lemicus, Continuatio Chronicorum Hieronymianorum ad ann. CCCCLXVII, ed. Theodorus Mommsen, MGH, Auctores Antiquissimi, XI, Pars II, Berlin 1894, 49 et 60.
5 Hydatius 55.
6 Juv. XIV 41.

In the case of modern authors and their works the Harvard style (author’s name, date of publication and page and/or illustration numbers, always as 7-11, not 7ff) should be applied. While referring to two publication of the same author published in the same year, use a letter after date of publication (1970a). Do not use abbeviations op.cit., ibidem. Apply only abbreviations commonly used in classical scholarship, e.g. RE, CIL, IGSEGMGHOCD3LSJFGrH.

7 Price 1984, 79-82.
8 Badian 1958a, 427.
LSJ, s. v. ̕Ασία.



All modern works perused in the paper should be listed in alphabetical order of author, and within this in chronological order of publication, at the end of the paper. This bibliography should be preceded by a list of less common abbreviations:

FdD: Fouilles des Delphes, Paris 1909- .
RICIS: Recueil des inscriptions concernant les cultes isiaques, Paris 2005.

Books should be listed as:

Bosworth A.B., 1988: Conquest and Empire: The Reign of Alexander the Great, Cambridge.

Chapters in edited volumes should be listed as:

Robertson N., 1996: ‘The Ancient Mother of the Gods: A missing Chapter in the History of Greek Religion’, [in:] E. N. Lane (ed.), Cybele, Attis and Related Cults: Essays in Memory of M.J. Vermaseren, Leiden, 239-304.


Lane E.N. (ed.), 1996: Cybele, Attis and related Cults: Essays in Memory of M.J. Vermaseren, Leiden.
Robertson N., 1996: ‘The Ancient Mother of the Gods: A missing Chapter in the History of Greek Religion’, [in:] Lane 1996, 239-304.

Titles of journal articles should be in quotation marks, titles of journal should be abbreviated in accordance with L’Année Philologique and Lexikon des Mittelalters. If an abbreviation is not listed there, the title should be given in full form. Title of journals should be italicised, volume numbers in Arabic numerals. 

Müller H., 2000: „Der hellenistische Archiereus”, Chiron 30, 519-542.



It is the responsibility of every author to secure appropriate permissions to publish illustrations.

Please email to the editors illustrations as separate files in .bmp or .jpg  format, in resolution bigger than 300 dpi.

Captions should be emailed as separate files and should contain copyright information.



All papers submitted to SAMAI are subject to reviews (double blind). SAMAI accepts papers for publication upon the positive opinion of the reviewers.



SAMAI does not charge any fee to authors submitting their texts for publication.


samai-czasopismo-on-lineCopyright and permissions

With submission of his/her paper every author declares that he/she is the sole owner of copyright of the paper to be published.

A paper is accepted for publication upon granting by the author to SAMAI exclusive right to publish this paper. The paper may not be published in any other journal, book or website. 

Once a paper is accepted by SAMAI for publication the copyright for it is automatically transferred to the editors of SAMAI in accordance with the “Statement of delivering the work free of charge and transfer of the proprietary copyright to this work” (Author’s Statement). The proprietary copyright is transferred to the editors of SAMAI free of charge and covers all known fields of recording, reproduction and distribution. The author grants the editors of SAMAI the exclusive license to exercise derivative copyright, including the right to adapt the work for usage in a multimedia version. 

An author may use their texts for publication elsewhere on the condition of attesting that SAMAI was the original publisher of this paper and upon notifying the Editors of SAMAI prior to publication.

SAMAI will make every effort to assure the widest possible distribution of papers contained in this journal.


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